Project Creatures/Væsner created over 4 days in collaboration with students and teachers from two 4th grade classes on Mørkhøj School in Gladsaxe. On the 4th day all the students showed their Creatures in a performance for the pupils from the primary schools.
A pilot project in collaboration with visual artist and art school teacher Anders Benmoyal and Gladsaxe Music and Art school director Anja Reif and deputy leader Henrik Schmidt Lilleholt, who wanted to try art school teaching as a satellite out of public schools.
Projekt Creatures/Væsner er skabt over 4 dage i samarbejde med elever og lærere fra to 4.klasser på Mørkhøj Skole i Gladsaxe. På 4.dagen viste eleverne deres Væsner frem i en performance for eleverne fra indskoling.
Et pilotprojekt i samarbejde med billedkunstner og billedskoleunderviser Anders Benmoyal og Gladsaxe Musik- og Billedskole v. leder Anja Reif og souschef Henrik Lilleholt Schmidt, som ønskede at afprøve billedskoleundervisning som satelit ude på folkeskolerne.
Væsner / Creatures – Mørkhøj Skole Gladsaxe from Karoline H. Larsen on Vimeo.