
Selected publications from 2008 and up until today on Karoline H Larsen’s Creative Actions showing articles discussing cases of artworks: Body Pictograms/Kropsskilte, HeartmiX interactive light sound art Tunnel, Light Art Parade, Collective Strings, Jungle Strings, and other ongoing art projects. Below you will find some of the material as pdf.files for your free download.

Tryk her for publikationen som PDF – Kunst i områdefornyelserne. 21 eksempler. 2024. Opdateret 2025.

KUNST I HVERDAGEN, case Zigzagbroen skulptur, Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen, Statens Kunstfond, 2019

  • KUNST I OMRÅDEFORNYELSERNE, opdateret version, Spor, Blågårds plads, lyskunst case, 20 eksempler på kunst i udsatte kvarterer, Kbh Kom., 2025

  • SANS BILLUND, Tegn, klip og prøv det selv, Karoline H Larsen og CoC Playful Minds, bogudgivelse med børneaktiviteter, 2022

  • KUNST I ALMENE BOLIGOMRÅDER, Mellem udsathed, inddragelse og forandring. Red. Birgit Eriksson, Anne Mette Nielsen, Anne Scott Sørensen, Mia Falch Yates, case Opdag din by, Zigzagbroen, Statens Kunstfond, Norsk Kulturråd, 2022

  • KUNST I HVERDAGEN, case Zigzagbroen skulptur, Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen, Statens Kunstfond, 2019

  • KUNST, KULTUR OG DELTAGELSE, Red. Birgit Eriksson, Mette H. Rung, Anne S. Sørensen, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2019
  • DELTAGELSE som Kunst- & Kulturformidling. Samfundslitteratur, prof. Anne Scott Sørensen, ph.d. Hjørdis Brandrup, 2018
  • AT DANSE MED NERVESYSTEMET, psykolog specialist i psykotraumatologi, Ulla Rung Weeke, bogomslag og illustrationer, 2018
  • PERISKOP, videnskabeligt magasin ved Danmarks Universitet, Institut for Kunst & Kultur, artikel af Postdoc Line Marie Bruun Jespersen, 2016
  • TXP hollandsk magasin, artikel om Collective Strings af Dorothé Swinkels, 2016
  • DELTAGERISME, udgivelse ARKEN Kunstmuseum, artikel Kollektive drømme v. Dorthe Juhl Rugaard, Red. Camilla Jalving, 2016
  • METROPOLIS, artikel om Collective Strings, Metropolis Festival, red. Kopenhagen Internationale Teater,, 2016
  • PLACEMAKING, bogartikel om Spørg mig jeg er lokal, af Råderum, red. kurator Charlotte Bagger Brandt, 2016
  • STEDSANS, bog, artikel med Kropsskilte af kurator og kunsthistoriker Camilla Jalving med Statens Kunstfond, 2014
  • KUNST OG SPROG I TALEKLASSER, Den Frie Udstillingsbygnings Læringsprojekt med Skoletjenesten, Nyboder Skole, 2014
  • CHANGING METROPOLIS II, bog, case om JUNGLE STRINGS, af Kopenhagen International Theatre, 2012
  • GENNEM KUNST, bog, interview om kunstværket som koncept og proces, af Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, 2011
  • PERFORMATIVE URBAN DESIGN, Hans Kiib (red.) prof., ART IN ACTION – VEJE TIL SOCIAL GENOPDANNELSE artikel om Creative Actions og Collective Strings, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2010
  • GET LOST – Et atlas over det (u)mulige København, Kjersti Wikstrøm, Hulda Hallgrimsdóttir (red.), Dansk Arkitektur Center, 2010
  • REACH OUT, Kulturministeriet, publikation om brugerinddragelse i kulturproduktioner, case COLLECTIVE STRINGS, 2008
  • CHANGING METROPOLIS I, case om COLLECTIVE STRINGS, af Københavns Internationale Teater, 2008
  • CREATIVE ACTIONS, bogudgivelse, Huldada Press, 2008

KUNST I HVERDAGEN, case Zigzagbroen skulptur, Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen, Statens Kunstfond, 2019

252 sider ill. Paperback
Published 16. januar 2019
ISBN 978 87 7184 531 0,-kultur-og-deltagelse/

Deltagelse er et nøgleord i samtidens kunst- og kulturliv. Både kunstnere og kulturinstitutioner eksperimenterer med at udvikle kommunikationsformer, der inddrager publikum på nye måder. Museer, teatre og biblioteker arbejder med at lade borgerne komme til orde og styrke deres medbestemmelse og medskabelse. Bag initiativerne ligger ofte et ønske om et mere åbent og tilgængeligt kulturliv og et mere lige og demokratisk samfund. En vigtig konsekvensens er, at institutionerne selv forandres.

Kunst, kultur og deltagelse præsenterer en række aktuelle eksperimenter med deltagelse i kunst- og kulturlivet. Bogens forfattere stiller skarpt på de teoretiske og metodiske udfordringer, der ligger i at udvikle, designe, facilitere og evaluere deltagelsesprojekter. Eksemplerne spænder fra Aarhus 2017 og Kbh Læser til et biblioteksprojekt i Østjylland og et byudviklingsprojekt i Greve, fra europæiske kulturhuse til store kulturinstitutioner som ARoS, Trapholt, Det Kgl. Teater og Statens Museum for Kunst.

Kunst- og kulturinstitutioner er i disse år optagede af at inddrage brugere på nye måder og eksperimentere med forskellige former for deltagende formidling. Det øgede fokus på deltagelse handler om demokratisering og medborgerskab og er både et politisk krav og en brugerforventning. Men der ligger også en række udfordringer i det demokratiske projekt: Handler det om at få så mange som muligt engageret i kunst og kultur, eller handler det mere om kvalitet og dybde i engagementet? Samtidig er der forskellige opfattelser af det demokratiske projekt og af, hvad offentlig kunst og kultur kan og skal, og hvad værdien af en offentlig kultur er.

Denne bog giver en teoretisk indføring i demokrati, deltagelse og formidling såvel som et historisk overblik over den kulturpolitiske udvikling i Danmark og diskuterer rækkevidden heraf gennem eksempler fra praksis.

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Stedsans – 25 inputs to the art out there, by Camilla Jalving

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Danish Arts Foundation published “Stedsans – 25 inputs to the art out there” in October 2014. In the book, the focus is on art in public spaces and through reduction in the 25 works from 1943 to the present day, the book offers insight into the different approaches that have helped to shape the art, as we can see in the public domain in Denmark the day today.

In the book the discussions and professional considerations that have arisen and arising in connection with art are called into question . The book is edited by Camilla Jalving as art historian.

Sprog:Dansk  ISBN-13:9788792894618 Sideantal:299 Forlag:Strandberg Publishing
Indbinding: Bog, indbundet Udgivet:10-10-2014 Udgave:1.



Creative Actions - Collective Strings

by Huldada Press – Karoline H. Larsen, published 2008

view book as pdf.file: CA_book2008
3 articles on Creative Actions – Collective Strings:CA_logbook_TEXT_karolinehlarsen_2008
p.137 Log book CREATIVE ACTIONS 2002-2008
p.157 THE (DIS)ORGANISATION OF THE ROOM by curator Christiane Mosegaard, Esbjerg Museum of Art, Denmark
p.165 TO TURN YOURSELF UPSIDE DOWN – AND TO GET IN TOUCH WITH EACH OTHER!  A conversation between body therapist, psychologist, and psychotraumatology specialist Ulla Rung Weeke, visual artist Karoline H. Larsen, and Master of Literature Cecilie Høgsbro.

PERFORMATIVE URBAN DESIGN – book 2010, Aalborg University Press
Professor Hans Kiib, Aalborg University Press, 240 pages, 2010

Article: 19042010_13_Karoline_H_Larsen_small
ISBN: 978-87-7307-982-9

Performative Urban Design seeks to identify emerging trends in urban design as they are reflected in the city’s architecture and spatial design. A ‘cultural grafting’ of the inner city is taking place, and urban development is pursuing an intense city life, in which architecture and art are playing a catalytic role. On the one hand, this development has focused on massive investments in ‘corporate architecture’. On the other hand cities have invested heavily in new cultural centres and performative urban spaces that can fulfil a growing desire for entertainment and culture. The anthology Performative Urban Design addresses these issues through three lenses:
·  Sense Architecture
·  Place Making, and
·  Urban Catalyst
The articles identify the relevant theoretical positions within architecture, art and urban strategies, and they demonstrate the concepts and methodological approaches drawn from practical experience.
Link to book via Aalborg University

Metropolis - Changing Metropolis II 


publication 2012 Kopenhagen International Theater
Article/Case on artwork Jungle Strings

Changing Metropolis II is the second Metropolis publication.
The publication consists of commissioned articles, rewritten
speeches, commentaries and artistic projects made in the
context of Metropolis Laboratory in 2008 and 2010 and Metropolis Biennale in 2009 and 2011.

ISBN: 978-87-994229-1-3
Purchase at KIT Kopenhagen International Theater: Marie Viltoft Polli Email: mvp(ad)

Reach Out
Reach Out! – inspiration til brugerinddragelse og innovation i kulturens verden
Author: Danish Cultural Ministry’s interdisciplinary projectgroup, 2008
Publisher: Danish Cultural Ministry

ISBN: 978-87-7960-116-1
Electronic ISBN: 978-87-7960-117-8
Pages: 106
Language: Danish
Publication type: Inspiration catalogue
Publishing form: Electronic, Printed
Get the book in Danish for free as PDF – click here ReachOut_Web

The purpose of this inspiration catalog is to show how various cultural institutions and cultural operators have chosen to seek out new users and create new kinds of experiences for users through involvement and / or collection of information about users. Inspiration catalog focuses on the challenges, opportunities and limitations of user involvement and user-driven innovation in the arts. But the examples should also inspire you to make new types of questions to users – and to rethink ways to inquire. The idea is that the catalog must be of mutual inspiration for cultural institutions and other people who want to engage in user participation and user-driven innovation in the culture field. Whether it’s from an objective to attract new user groups, from a desire to exploit an economic opportunity or experience to develop the quality of its artistic or cultural professional product.

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GET LOST – An atlas of the (im) possible Copenhagen
Editor Kjersti Vikstrøm, publication 2010, DAC Danish Architecture Center

Article/case on Jungle Strings
How do we create a vibrant, dynamic and spatial city?
Can architects learn from the artists’ way of working in the public sphere?
These are some of the questions that the book GET LOST – An Atlas of the (im) possible Copenhagen raise. The book stems from the project GET LOST as the Danish Architecture Center completed in 2008. The project consisted of a series of exhibitions in Copenhagen’s public spaces, debate events around the town and a digital platform.
Among the book’s many contributing artists and posters in this field, you meet Supertanker, Bureau Detours, Parfyme, N55, Karoline H. Larsen and many, many more.  The new book continues the debate about the use of urban space and collects gradient threads on 164 lush pages under headlines RIGHTS TO TOWN, MEETING POINT, OUR TOWN, ANOTHER CITY and MAPS AND TERRITORIES.

Read/download GET LOST as e-magazine
You can buy the book at Danish Architecture Center Bookshop, or from price 170,- DKK
Interview with the editor at KUNSTEN.NU