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Karoline Portefolio mix midlertidige og permanente 2023
Karoline H Larsen PORTFOLIO_Mix midlertidige og permanente 2022
Karoline H Larsen portfolio_Participatory projects 2018
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Karoline H Larsen
Karoline er uddannet fra det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi i København. Siden 2003 har hun forholdt sig kunstnerisk til menneskers bevægelser og leg i det offentlige rum. Det er både voksne, ældre, unge og børns hverdag, som hun gennem sine borgerinvolverende kunstværker sætter i spil på nye måder. Selv kalder hun sin kunstpraksis for Creative Actions – kreative handlinger, der skaber nye sociale infrastrukturer til at (gen)opdage, hvordan mennesker kan møde hinanden og byens rum.
Kunstværkerne kan være midlertidige eller blivende permanente kunstværker i det offentlige rum. Eksempler på Karoline’s kunstværker:
–HjerteMix, interaktiv lyd, lys og maleri borgerinvolverende og permanent kunstværk til Gersagerparken Tunnel med designeren Helle Hove, 2015
Siden 2005 har hendes igangværende kunstprojekt Collective Strings rejst blandt andet til; Odense Amfipladsen Kunstmuseum Brandts (2021), Haderslev, Denmark (2020), FESTA di Roma, Italy (2020), Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia (2019), Grønningen NV, Copenhagen Denmark (2019), Beijing Design Week, China (2018), Festival Scenes des rue, Mulhouse, France (2017), Trapholt Museum (2017), Holstebro Museum of Art, Denmark (2017), 24th Textile Biennual, Rijswijk Museum, Holland (2017), ARKEN Museum of Art (2015), Helsinki Festival, Finland (2014), Re-Art the Urban conference & urban laboratory, Schwitzerland (2011), Lieux publics Centre national de création part of IN SITU, Marseilles, France (2010), Art Hall Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark (2009), Conflux Festival, AIA New York Center for Architecture, U.S. (2009), Esbjerg Art Museum, Denmark (2007), DaNY Arts, McCarren Park, New York, U.S. (2007), Night Vision Festival, Cape Town, S.A. (2005).
Karoline graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Since 2003, she has been involved artistically with human movements and play in public space. It is the everyday life of adults, the elderly, young people and children that she puts into play in new ways in her citizen-involved artworks. She even calls her art practice Creative Actions that create new social infrastructures to (re)discover how people can meet each other and the city’s space.
The artworks can be temporary or permanent artworks in public space. Examples of Karoline’s artworks:
– Discover your city, an art path in Værebro Park and Bagsværd, with art for kids to climb and meet. Together with the art representatives from five local children’s institutions, Larsen has created the idea of a ZigZag Bridge, a Circle Bridge and a Circular Trail in the area that not only physically ties the area together but also helps create friendships and cooperation across the children’s institutions, as part of large-scale community based project funded by the Danish Arts Foundation, 2018
– HeartMix, interactive sound, light and paint participatory & permanent art work for Gersagerparken Tunnel with designer Helle Hove, 2016
Since 2005 her on-going art project Collective Strings has travelled among others; Haderslev, Denmark (2020), FESTA di Roma, Italy (2020), Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia (2019), Grønningen NV, Copenhagen Denmark (2019), Beijing Design Week, China (2018), Festival Scenes des rue, Mulhouse, France (2017), Trapholt Museum (2017), Holstebro Museum of Art, Denmark (2017), 24th Textile Biennual, Rijswijk Museum, Holland (2017), ARKEN Museum of Art (2015), Helsinki Festival, Finland (2014), Re-Art the Urban conference & urban laboratory, Schwitzerland (2011), Lieux publics Centre national de création part of IN SITU, Marseilles, France (2010), Art Hall Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark (2009), Conflux Festival, AIA New York Center for Architecture, U.S. (2009), Esbjerg Art Museum, Denmark (2007), DaNY Arts, McCarren Park, New York, U.S. (2007), Night Vision Festival, Cape Town, S.A. (2005).
KarolineHLarsen_portfolio_Collective Strings_2018
Karoline H Larsen portfolio_participatory projects 2018
Karoline H Larsen
mobile +45 26701833
Skype: karolinehlarsen
Address: Jagtvej 59A 4.tv
2200 Copenhagen
Business ID & VAT number / CVR.nr.: 28233744
IBAN: DK 65 0400 4011681692
BIC / swiftcode: LOSADKKK